Níels Thibaud Girerd premiered the opera Turandot by Puccini in the Girerd Theater

25. apríl 2022

The Icelandic Opera welcomed children of all ages at the Big Bang Festival which was held in Harpa 21.-22. April when Níels Thibaud Girerd premiered the opera Turandot by Puccini in the Girerd Theater which he created when he was a young boy in grade school and staged various operas and theater plays for family and friends. All six performances were fully booked and many of the children were experiencing opera for the first time at the event that received very warm reception from all who enjoyed the performances.

Eftir Elfa Sif Logadóttir 9. maí 2023
Söngvur­um í óper­unni Madama Butterfly var ákaft fagnað í Hörpu á lokasýningunni síðastliðinn laugardag. Þá sér­stak­lega söng­kon­unni Hye-Youn Lee, sem fór með aðal­hlut­verk Cio-Cio San í sýn­ing­unni. Sýningin fékk frábærar viðtökur meðal gagrýnanda og áhorfenda sem sáu sýninguna. Íslenska óperan þakkar öllum kærlega fyrir komuna.
Eftir Elfa Sif Logadóttir 28. nóvember 2022
Það vantaði ekki upp á stemn­ing­una og voru tón­leika­gest­irn­ir hver öðrum glæsi­legri.
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