Online concert: Stuart Skelton and Bjarni Frímann

5. nóvember 2020

Stuart Skelton tenor and Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason Music Director of the Icelandic Opera will perform an online concert on November 7th at 4 pm in Norðurljós, Harpa Concert Hall. Stuart gave an outstanding and memorable performance in the production of Peter Grimes in 2015 in Iceland.

These outstanding artists need no introduction. Stuart is born in Australia and is critically acclaimed as one the the finest heldentenors on the opera stage today. He has performed in all the major Opera houses of the world like the Metropolitan in New York and many more.

He has been nominated for the Grammy awards and in 2014 he received the International Opera Award as the Male singer of the year.

The programme includes well known arias and songs that the artist are especially fond of.

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